Build the future of in-house legal with LawVu

Create custom workflows, critical integrations and add-ons

LawVu Connector for Power Platform

Easily create bespoke, automation workflows to customize and connect your legal workspace and speed up internal processes. No coding or advanced technical skills required.

The LawVu API

Solve unique problems for modern in-house legal teams using LawVu. Explore API documentation and working examples to see how you could connect, build and grow with the LawVu API.

Need a developer?

Don’t have the technical skills? Don’t worry. You can find a LawVu skilled expert to build custom workflows for your specific business needs. We’ve partnered with the best in the legal tech industry.

Existing integrations

We have out of the box integrations with Outlook, Gmail, Slack, Docusign, MS Teams, Salesforce, SSO and more. Explore these on the LawVu website.

Get started with the LawVu API

Existing customers and third-party developers can register to gain access to our developer tools. You can also email us for more information.