LawVu Changelog

A summary of important releases and updates from LawVu Developer

June 27, 2024

Files API – Create folder endpoint

Added the ability create a folder (or subfolder) in a matter or contract


March 11, 2024

File-related enhancements

  • Fixed an issue preventing a file from being moved from a folder into the root folder of a matter or contract
  • Added ParentRecordType and ParentRecordId properties to the Get File response


February 26, 2024

Removed Subscription Key requirement

We’ve removed the requirement for subscription keys when making requests to all APIs.

Your integration no longer needs to include the ‘Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key’ header. If included, it will be ignored and not impact responses.

February 15, 2024

Added new “take” parameter when using find endpoints

We’ve added a new “take” parameter to the “Find matters” and “Find contracts” endpoints, allowing you to control the maximum number of results returned.


November 23, 2023

Matter and contract filtering enhancements

Updated “Get contracts” and “Get matters” endpoints to support the following:

  • Added support for filtering on a single field or multiple fields
  • Added ability to specify which fields are included in the response


August 21, 2023

Account API – financial settings endpoint

Added ability to retrieve financial settings for the active user’s organization

Related: Account API > Organisations

August 3, 2023

Added Team ID to “Get contract” response

Added Team ID to “Get contract” response, allowing retrieval of a contract’s currently assigned team.

See: Contracts API > Contracts


July 17, 2023

Added the ability to retrieve contracts’ key dates

Retrieve a list of key contract dates for a given contract ID and use `contract.keydate.created` and `contract.keydate.updated` webhook topics to get visibility.

  • Added ability to retrieve a list of key dates for a given contract ID
  • Added `contract.keydate.created` and `contract.keydate.updated` webhook topics

Related: Contracts API > ContractKeyDate, Webhooks guide

March 23, 2023

Added ability to retrieve a list of matter tasks.

This new endpoint supports filtering, pagination and custom sorting.

Example use cases:

  • Sync a user’s tasks across all matters to an external system (e.g. reporting or kanban view)
  • Retrieve all incomplete tasks across the legal team

Related: Matters API > Organisations

February 17, 2023

Added “Get file” endpoint

Added a new “Get file” endpoint, allowing for the retrieval of metadata for a single file by File ID.

Related: Files API > Get file

January 27, 2023

Added Webhooks functionality

Leverage LawVu’s webhooks framework in order to receive event notification to a publicly accessible URL, allowing near-real-time automation + integration workflows.

Related: Webhooks Guide

January 23, 2023

Added ability to retrieve a list of contract members

Added a new “Get contract users” endpoint, allowing for the retrieval of a given contract’s members.

Related: Contracts API > Get contract users

October 4, 2022

More actions on your matters and contracts

New capabilities added:

  • post a status message to a matter
  • add a task template to a matter
  • retrieve a list of task templates
  • add a member to a contract, or assign a contract owner


June 13, 2022

Matters and contracts endpoint enhancements

New capabilities added:

  • Added context parameter to Get Matters
  • Default Get contracts context parameter to Personal (aka “my contracts”)


June 8, 2022

Pagination update – 50 item default

The default “take” parameter has been updated to 50 items. Impacts on all paginated endpoints.

May 19, 2022

Lookup field enhancement

Added ability to add options to a Lookup (single) field

Related: Fields API > Add a choice to the single lookup field

February 10, 2022

Field value enhancements

New field value-related capabilities have been added to the API:

  • Added ability to retrieve matter field values
  • Added ability to update (patch) matter fields values
  • Added ability to update (patch) contract fields values


January 11, 2022

User search improvement

Updated “Search users” endpoint to add ability to filter by user organisation and to active users only.


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